Off The Market
I wrote this song about three or four years ago with one of my guitar players. He was playing this little riff and then I said, “What if it was a little edgier?” and that’s how the signature guitar riff from Off The Market was born! After that the words just flowed right out of me. The initial music was so sassy it wasn’t hard to tell what the song wanted to be. Once the song was finished I didn’t think about it again until one summer I was putting together the setlist for a festival I was playing. I found the song and thought, “this would be great!”. After we played it at the show multiple people came up to the merch table to ask where to buy the song! That’s when I knew it had to be released. Off The Market is about when you see someone for the first time and have that instant connection. You both know there’s something there and it’s just a matter of time before your paths cross.
Bad Habit
Told You So
Congratulations on closing this chapter empowered!!
Thank you! It feels good to have something that helped me and can also help others!