I usually keep my blog posts to Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, but last night I had something on my mind and felt like I had to share it with you.
1. Take the pressure off.
Why did you start doing this again? Because you love it! You get joy from working at something you love. That’s the real treasure! It takes so many people YEARS to find what they love, and you found yours! Enjoy that!
2. Remember why you started.
You started this because you felt and hopefully still feel something magical about it! Strip away any pretenses and go back to the beginning. Find the piece of it that makes you come alive and focus on that.
3. Set new goals.
Your goals don’t make you happy anymore? Change them! Don’t become so married to an achievement that it robs you of the joy in the act itself!
4. It’s about the creative process, focus on making it good, then great.
Don’t get caught up in the hype of gaining public (or friend or family) approval. Focusing on what is popular or approved of can take away the unique qualities of what you do and why it’s special.
5. Take time off.
This would be the final step. If you’re not sure how you feel about it anymore step away for a little bit. If it really is just burnout your muse will call you back, and your case of burnout will be over.
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