If life is a painting, a beautiful ceiling-of-the-Sistine-Chapel painting, what gives it color? Experiences.
If you didn’t have all the experiences you’ve had your canvas would just be black and white. You wouldn’t have that bright yellow from the summer you graduated. Or the deep red from the first time you felt love.
Experiences are what color our world.

Which is why everything you do, everywhere you go, and everything you see will add to the depth of your life. Take it in, let it move you. Let it add to the richness of your character. This is why it doesn’t matter if you’re traveling the globe or sitting in a cubicle; it’s your story, it’s your canvas, and it’s your life. No one will see it like you do, feel it like you did, remember it the way you saw it.

This is why comparison WASN’T really a thief of joy at all, the thief of joy is NOT REALIZING your life is being created right here and right now. The comparison NEVER EXISTED, because whoever you were looking at was NEVER LIVING your life, they were never running your race. So don’t let your life pass by because you’re not living the experiences; creating the experiences, that you want.

The next time your mind drifts off, maybe it will be to that garden in Bellagio Italy, or maybe to the first big job you landed, but either way, enjoy it, because all these experiences add up to make your tapestry; your life.

So how can you enjoy your experience more?
- Be in the moment – this is a big one. It comes it a lot of forms. But the best way I can sum it up, is to “be” in the moment you’re in. So if you’re eating lunch, don’t play on your phone. Enjoy the food, taste it, think about where it was grown, and how it’s doing so much good for your body.
- Try new things! – small steps are the best way to do this step. Start with trying something new at the grocery store, or at a restaurant and move up from there. Then you’ll feel ready to try bigger new things!
- Gratitude – this can feel simple and complicated. But it really comes down to start small again. Just be grateful for breathing, and then move up from there. Before you know it you’ll be so grateful for the food you eat, the transportation you have, the roof over your head, your family, your future, and so much more.
- Recognize – recognize that your life is being created RIGHT NOW. Everything you eat, everything you do is another page in the book that is your life. SO ENJOY IT!
- Action – Everything you are doing is moving you to where you’re going to be next. So if you want that promotion, start working towards being that version of yourself right now. Because only you can create your life.