For the longest time I’ve been thinking how can I merge my loves of music, travel, and personal wellness and happiness into one site. Especially when each of these topics can deviate into so many avenues, and yet I’m one person who loves each of these areas of life. However, when I acknowledged that they all make up a large part of who I am, a new concept and direction came to me. Tapestry Living and the Tapestry Lifestyle.

A Tapestry Lifestyle at its fundamental core is “creating the joy in life”.
This means that ALL aspects of what you’re really passionate about should be embraced. A tapestry is a piece of art that is woven together with thousands of little threads that all make up something magnificent. Each of those threads are the moments of your life, the fibers of your masterpiece. Creating this idea of a Tapestry Lifestyle means to fully live in each of those moments, weaving your unique tapestry together. It’s gratitude for the moment and the invitation to embrace the opportunity of creating your next moments, projects, and achievements.

To pursue that business you’ve been dreaming to start, to fully enjoying your meals whether it’s at home with your dog, or overlooking the coast of Positano. It’s fully committing to read that book you’ve had for 6 months, or taking that trip to Europe and truly living in each moment while you’re there. It’s joining that yoga retreat. It’s showing up for yourself and the life you’re creating; a life that you TRULY love.

It’s acknowledging that you create your mindset and your perception. EMBRACE IT! Tapestry Living is treating life as the stage and canvas that it is, and living with the best intentions.
It’s knowing that when you give more than you receive you will always receive more than you gave.

Special thanks to the creators of The Kind Mural in Nashville for this beautiful art.