I know I’ve asked myself this, and I’ve definitely asked this in school, in art classes, and in many other scenarios I’m sure…”Am I doing this right?”.
But I recently came to a wonderful realization – IT USUALLY DOESN’T MATTER. Occasionally it does – if you’re a doctor, your cooking raw meat, or it’s life or death, or you’re driving a car; but those situations are different because it’s a legitimate concern. In day-to-day life or in creative endeavors it’s not actually about whether your doing it right or wrong – it’s the FEARof making a mistake or the FEAR of being wrong. So what does matter?
Are you doing your best?
Do you have good intentions?
That’s usually all you need to be focused on. It’s not about getting it right. It’s about learning to enjoy the journey, the experience, etc. Save yourself the stress and stop worrying about “right”, what does that mean anyway? That your wine and painting class masterpiece will look exactly like the instructors? Does that matter? It will you uniquely yours and it will be because you didn’t worry about being “right” and just enjoyed the process!
We can all give ourselves a little more grace and compassion when we’re learning and trying new things. A good measure stick is to say, “Does this have serious consequences if I get it right or wrong?” and if the answer is “no” then you can stop worrying about being RIGHT.
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