We got up early, as we typically do, to explore Charleston. There’s something so peaceful about taking in a city before it’s fully awake. We strolled into the South of Broad neighborhood after reading that there is quite a bit of historical architecture there. There were SO many beautiful homes!

We noticed that because of the age of the city many of these beautiful homes were very close together, as was typical in pre-Civil War towns. Many of the homes had beautiful open porches which doubled as entryways. Many of these verandas had curtains softly blowing in the morning breeze in these indoor-outdoor spaces. The visual reminded me that when you live in such a temperate climate you can have dedicated outdoor living space that can be utilized year round.

We then headed back to hotel for our scheduled brunch. We ended up eating in the courtyard of the hotel which was perfect because the girl’s (what we call our dogs as a pair) were able to join us! The brunch was fabulous and included in the hotel stay. The night before you simply select from the menu what you’d like the next morning, what time you’d like it, and where you’d like to eat; the courtyard, the dining room, or your private room, and then you hang the menu on the doorknob outside your room! In the morning viola!

After a brunch we headed off with our four legged girls to take in more of Charleston. We strolled to a shop that was recommended by Julia Engel of Gal Meets Glam and I found the most beautiful rose perfume. This shop imports almost every item from France or Italy, and it feels like a piece of Europe was picked up and dropped into the heart of Charleston.
We then discovered Byrd’s Cookies, and what a discovery it was.

It’s no secret that I love a good treat, but my standards for “good” are high. This cookie did not disappoint, and it comes in the perfect size bag for gifting!
Next we visited the market in the middle of Charleston, but it’s not dog friendly, so if traveling with pups, know this before visiting!
We rounded off the day with a lovely stroll through the park right off Broad St. and just a moments walk from the hotel. This park was lovely, with large overgrown trees and a great deal of history to share.

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