Yes, people say over and over that you have choices and that’s true.
You can change your CAREER, you can change where you LIVE, but what a lot of people don’t say is HOW. Which is often the hardest part. We can want something but if we don’t start speaking it, taking action, and intentionally moving towards it change can be slow…or non existent. You need to believe that you DESERVE it…even though you already deserve it. You just need to BELIEVE it…but how?
How to CHANGE? I’ve put some thought into this and I have two answers.
It’s your MINDSET and that leads to what I think is the real root…your PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is the personal lens through which we see the world as an individual. It’s made of our experiences and the stories we have told ourselves about why we are the way we are.
So how can you change perspective? The good news is…in MANY WAYS!
Gratitude. We can all feel more grateful when we think about people in third world countries or when a natural disaster happens we all find the gratitude that we live in a place where that’s not happening. That’s perspective. It’s seeing beyond the trees to see the forest and that’s the same kind of thinking you can use to begin to change.
Value. You don’t need to do or be anything to have value as a person. You’re here and that’s enough. Just by being here you matter. Even if the only thing you do today is breathe, that’s enough. You don’t have to gain validation through accomplishments if it doesn’t bring you joy.
Inner Monologue. How you talk to yourself matters. The words you say to yourself sink in. You can change how you feel about yourself. See yourself differently, see yourself in a light of value. See the gifts, strengths, and natural talents that you have. Voice out loud to yourself your good qualities even if you don’t totally believe them…yet. Keep speaking good words over yourself. Eventually there will be a change, maybe small and slow, but it will change your perspective.
Sending you INSPIRATION and PEACE and GOOD VIBES always.
Yes. I absolutely love everything about this. It’s easy to hear and believe that you need to change. It’s hard to have the confidence to believe you can do it. With the right mindset we can do and be anything we want. Thanks for sharing. This was great.
Thanks Taima! Thanks for adding your thoughts too, I think it will help even more people by adding your words to the discussion.
Fantastic, Stevie!!! I agree.
Thanks Debby! It’s great to hear that there is a community of people agreeing and thinking the same thing!